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Why Join the Mayo Clinic Community Research Registry?
The goal of the Mayo Clinic Community Research Registry (MC CoRR) is to improve health outcomes of underrepresented populations through collaborative engagement. You can represent your community and help to advance medical research by joining the Mayo Clinic Community Research Registry.
Minorities and rural population are currently underrepresented in medical research. By joining MC CoRR, you will be notified if the registry finds a research study that you match to. Your involvement with research will help diversify clinical trials with your participation.
Frequently asked questions:
Why should I join the Mayo Clinic Community Research Registry?
So that I may impact health outcomes within my community. I can be involved in research and learn firsthand treatments that become available through research findings.
How will joining the Mayo Clinic Community Research Registry benefit others?
My involvement in research will help diversify clinical trials with my participation. My Participation in the registry can help individuals feel more comfortable with taking about and considering clinical trials.
What does it mean to join the registry?
I can represent my community by joining the Mayo Clinic Community Research Registry.
What is expected of me if I join the registry?
I would be expected to read or listen to a consent form after understanding the purpose and details of the study. I would be expected to complete a short questionnaire and I would be compensated for my time.
What types of information do I need to share if I join?
For the registry, I would be asked to provide demographic information, chronic disease status (if applicable), share my knowledge, experience, and comfortability with research.
How will this information be protected?
My information will be shared only with Mayo Clinic researchers and will remain anonymous.
After I sign up for the registry, what happens next?
If the registry finds a study that I match to, I would be shared the matched study’s information and I can choose whether I would like to participate in the study or not.
What kind of studies could I be matched to within the registry?
I can be matched to research studies that may include clinical trials studies, questionnaires, focus groups, surveys by web, etc.
How will the matched study information be sent?
Information about the matched study, will be sent to me via email and/or phone.
Are the studies that I am being matched to, all in person?
The studies that I can be matched to could involve going to Mayo Clinic in person, could be virtual only and/or a combination of the two.
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